DAZER II and how to stop barking dogs

Ultrasonic, anti barking device that you can use safely and quietly

Stop barking dogs with DAZER II.
DAZER II releases a loud blast that only dogs can hear.

DAZER II. It’s safe. It’s silent.

How to stop barking dogs. The ultrasonic bark controller is a clever device producing a loud ultra sonic dog sounds to stop barking.

DAZER II is loud (115 dba), ultrasonic (25KHz) to control dogs. The range is beyond our hearing and easy to operate. Stop dog barking when they hear the high pitched sound by a simple short activation from the DAZER II ( just aim towards the dog and press the button) that startles and stops the barking dog.

Neighbours barking dog next door?

When you have line of sight to a dog (up to 7 meters away), simply operate your DAZER (just push the button) to get instant peace.

Read More. Blog: How to stop a barking dog in the middle of the night

DAZER II has many uses. Personal & professional.

Useful for walkers, runners, cyclists, delivery, and utility workers against barking and aggressive dogs.

DAZER II is great for personal use but is also relied on by professionals in the field ranging from water and power meter readers to social services in field teams. DAZER II will startle aggressive and barking dogs.

Beware of cheap imitations as there is only one DAZER II in the market with the high-powered large disc that works and protects every time.

Effective to stop barking dogs 7 meters

Effective to stop barking dogs. Up to 7 metres away.

Deter dogs at a distance up to 7m. Your DAZER II is a useful tool for barking dog problems.

There are many anti barking devices for dogs on the market, but most will not give you a satisfactory outcome as they are not powerful enough. The stop barking dog’s ultrasonic device DAZER II uses high frequency sounds creating a startle effect, called an alpha wave interruption - (like when a human hears a smoke alarm - it is painless and hearing is not affected).

Ultrasonic DAZER assists with Dog training

Effective for training dogs. Easy to use.

DAZER II is a useful tool for training your dog. The powerful yet harmless output is an effective reinforcement and training behaviour modification.

Deter dogs from not only barking, but unwanted behaviour like dogs jumping up on people or dogs jumping up on furniture or chewing and digging behaviour. Correct use of the Dazer helps stop these bad habits and train your dog.